With all that has transpired in our world, with all the chaos and war, the poverty, homelessness and disasters occurring daily, seeing 2025 as a year for Joy, might feel like a pipe dream, a bit of overreach. But please remember Beloved, that regardless of our circumstances, experiencing joy is always a choice. And it’s one that I’m inviting you to choose to actively move into this year. Some of us take the energy of joy for granted but I am here to share with you that crazy as it sounds, when we don’t choose joy, it’s usually not our experience. Ever since my car event in 2013, the energy I sought was peace. Joy was not even on my horizon. Being stopped completely, taken out of my plans and my life, with no opportunity to shift my state, and not knowing for years if I would ever have the ...
Your life is filled with all types of experiences, and it is the energy you hold as you respond to each situation, that truly creates your next moment.That means that your state of happiness or stress is created by you, not by what's landed in your world.Please read that statement again and sit with the importance of those words.You and you alone are responsible for your happiness and peace, and it is your energetic response to every difficult moment that appears in your world, that is key to creating your peaceful life.What freedom those words hold!For it's not the event itself, it is your energetic response to the event that creates your next moment.YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE FREQUENCY YOU HOLD AS A RESPONSE TO ANY EXTERNAL EVENT!And CHOICE my dear one, is where your power lies.But choosing to shift your frequency when difficulty arrives is not just an action, ...
So many times we are moved to take big steps in our life, thinking that only huge leaps forward are important .And while we are called at times to leap into the unknown, holding on to our faith as we travel through space, make sure you don’t miss the small moments that occur daily, that truly add up.You know, the time you made eye contact followed by a smile with the stranger across the train platform, or the hug a friend gave you when you needed it so badly, or the time when you stopped in the middle of your busy day to notice how stunning the weather was, how crisp the air, how bright the sun.Our lives are filled with small moments that truly matter. In fact some say our life is an accumulation of all of these times.Take a listen to this months Pond Talk on the small ...
In our practice of becoming conscious our first step is to become aware of how we walk in the world.We train ourselves to actively notice our thoughts, our actions our emotions, and we seek to shift them to peace and neutrality.As you are in observation of yourself, you'll notice times where you have mis-steps, perhaps you say foolish things - we all do - and sometimes you've may have even caused hurt to another.Most people's initial response to recognizing their unconscious acts is to go to guilt, but that's a trap and a distraction from the peace that you seek.Instead, I suggest that you take on 4 new action steps. Observation, Acknowledgement and Rectification.Observe what you did that didn’t serve.Acknowledge your mis-step.Accept responsibility for your actions and then?Give yourself Grace.While all of these steps require your attention and effort, giving yourself Grace may be the toughest one for you to accomplish.That’s ...
Welcome to my second pond talk on the art and alchemy of manifestation!In this video I introduce you to the 8 miss-steps that most beings take when trying to manifest their wishes into their daily life.The physical world is very dense Beloved, and wishes carry very high frequency, which means they are very fine energy.Everything that we work with is energetically based and when you're trying to bring high frequency energy into dense form (physical world), there are steps that need to be taken in order for that process to materialize.Before we're able to understand the process we need to see and eradicate the miss-steps we are now taking.Please view the video above where I spell out for you the eight most common errors that people make, when they're trying to manifest their wishes into their daily life! ...
Manifestation, the art and alchemy of bringing your wishes into form - having them show up in your life, is a rare occurrence for most beings. How bout for you? Are you able to bring the dreams that you hold - that are for your highest good - into your daily life? Do you co-create with the Divine and seamlessly watch your aspirations come into form? If your answer Beloved is a solid NO, please watch the video above that introduces you to Manifestation and describes the two components that you need to place your attention on that will truly bring your wishes into form! ...
Choose Your Words With Intention! Words carry frequency. And very often we wrap our words in a separate vibration as well. If we're not aware of the frequency we're holding when we speak and we're not conscious of the words we're choosing to use, we're missing an opportunity to generate the kind of frequency we desire to inhabit and to share with others. The act of discerning as we speak the words we choose to share- is an act of consciousness. Watch this week's pond talk to learn how you can bring more consciousness into your life through the words you choose to speak and the energy you choose to hold as you share your thoughts and ideas verbally with others! ...
And a story for you...In order to effect change in our life we have to not only have an intention to create a shift, but we need to put action behind the intention. All too often spiritual students make the error of expecting their thoughts and the act of thinking about something to create a change. We often hear: “Change your thinking to change your life.” But what I've learned is, it's not our thoughts that create new beginnings in our life, for thoughts come and go - it's holding an intention and putting action in the physical world behind that intention that creates a true shift. Listen to this week's pond talk for more details on how you can create shifts in your life as you hold intentions and then bring actions in the physical world to facilitate the desires that you seek to create! Tune into my new ...
One of the most common questions I have from students is how do I actually talk to the divine? A conversation with a friend or with the divine has two aspects listening and speaking. This conversation involves attention, trust and effort. Tune into my new pond talk where I share with you very concrete ideas on how you can begin your dialogue with the divine within! ...
I discovered a long time ago that I have authority over my life.I am the only one who can deliver happiness, joy, sadness or pain. Events come and go, but it's truly my response to them that lingers. It’s my response to life situations and to people comments that create my next moment that I live within.And that means it’s my job and no one else’s, to continue to monitor and shift my vibrational state throughout the day.How bout you? What do you do when life takes a turn for the worse ?Do you feel immobilized, not sure how to bring yourself back to neutrality?Do you have tools to shift your state?Do you use them?Take a look at the Pond Talk above and feel free to let me know your thoughts. In GraceWith GratitudeSelina ...