The video you're about to see was created to help you discover where you are blocking your own abundance.

In the video you'll hear a bit about my story and then I'll share with you the four places that I find most of my students get in the way of the peace and joy that they seek.

The video also offers four different spiritual practices that you can use right away that will help you to shift into higher frequency as difficulty arises.

Please make sure to watch to the very end where I have a very special offer for you!

In the months to come, each email will contain a new teaching video and I'll make sure to include the dates for our monthly Transmission Meditation and Chakra Cleanse zoom meetings.

For now Beloved, watch Become The Abundance You Seek and discover not only the blocks that are keeping you from a bountiful life, but the tools that will help you to move through difficulty quickly and easefully!

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