With all that has transpired in our world, with all the chaos and war, the poverty, homelessness and disasters occurring daily, seeing 2025 as a year for Joy, might feel like a pipe dream, a bit of overreach.

But please remember Beloved, that regardless of our circumstances, experiencing joy is always a choice.

And it’s one that I’m inviting you to choose to actively move into this year.

Some of us take the energy of joy for granted but I am here to share with you that crazy as it sounds, when we don’t choose joy, it’s usually not our experience.

Ever since my car event in 2013, the energy I sought was peace.

Joy was not even on my horizon.

Being stopped completely, taken out of my plans and my life, with no opportunity to shift my state, and not knowing for years if I would ever have the capacity to rebuild my life, was an incredibly unusual and unsettling experience.

If it wasn’t for my deep connection to Source, I would never have even experienced peace. I was so grateful for being able to experience that state, that I completely forgot about joy.

My brain injury left me deeply connected to the Divine and extremely challenged in the third dimensional world.

During the last 12 years I’ve experienced many magical occurrences. I have been living in constant gratitude and often at peace.

But what I haven’t experienced was joy.

It was only in this past year that I even realized joy was lacking.

Once I noticed the gap, I consciously chose to spend more time cultivating joy.

I chose to spend time with those I love.

I made efforts to be with my people, my Beloveds, my sons and their families, my granddaughters, my seven rock star women, my dear friends, neighbors, students, and of course the Divine.

I walked in nature a ton, sat outside becoming a part of pond life, inhaling the air, deeply feeling (yes feeling) sunsets and sitting under blankets at night looking at the moon and the stars.

I’ve noticed the small delights that arrive every day and I end my day reviewing them before I go off to sleep. I consciously remind myself to be present, to feel in my body each moment as it comes.

I continue to work on my lifelong quest to be grateful for what it is, without needing for whatever it is, to be any more than it is.

All of these actions were choices, and each one brought me closer to being able to want more than just peace.

Now I’m ready to take on Joy, fill tilt!

The dictionary defines Joy : “As a place of great happiness and pleasure”

We can choose happiness and pleasure regardless of what’s going on around us.

I feel certain that when we take on this holy high-frequency energy of love and we open to experience it, not only do we inhabit that space, but energetically our vibration of joy moves into the field of Oneness and the field is LIT up.

So actively choosing to experience Joy is a public service and not just a personal one!

Who knew????

So Beloved, what does Joy look like to you? Regardless of any personal loss, and disruptions, how will you experience JOY this year?

As you come back into your daily life after a week of celebration, you might choose to ask yourself these questions.. and then get to work!

In the third dimensional world, we can’t expect shifts to happen if we just hold an intention. We need to put action behind it.

Just as you can’t go up to a wall with a nail and a hammer and tell the nail to hop into the wall, you can’t hold an intention to experience joy without making choices in the third dimensional world that will enable you to experience that energy consistently.

Sure, you can have moments that pop in, but the consistent experience of joy is one that you need to choose.

And that’s why Beloved, I invite you to make 2025 YOUR year to choose actions that find you living in Joy!

You can thank me later.

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