Behind every request to live a life of peace, involves the practice of being able to let go of all of the distractions you have created in your life that keep you so busy! True peace doesn’t happen until you are able to be present to the moment you are in, which requires you to end your current cycle of multitasking, and your addictive habit of filling your moments to the max with activities. If you recognize yourself here, know that you’re not the only one who has created a very busy life… I remember years ago how much I longed to slow down and create a more peaceful existence. I was convinced that by meditating I could create a core, a center of peace that would sustain me as I moved through the many parts of my life. I worked out several times a week and I meditated every ...

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It may seem as if our world is falling apart, but make no mistake about it, a new earth is being born and my guides continually tell me that it’s time for all of us to step up! Heart centered leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, healers and spiritual practitioners are all being called to work individually and collectively in order to energetically infuse our planet with high – frequency energy and practices that represent the new paradigm of working in co-operation rather than in competition. But as we seek to help others and our planet, none of us are able to fully be effective if we are out of alignment with the energy of love, the frequency which guides us all. We are each being asked take on the responsibility of discovering where we are out of alignment with our values, commitments and intentions as we walk in the world. For when ...

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Some would say our world is a mess. Environmental issues exist everywhere you look, social justice is being back- pedaled at every turn, personal freedoms are being curtailed worldwide and dictatorships are flourishing. There is no doubt that chaos has landed in a big way upon our planet. The shifts that restrict freedom and threaten the very nature of our existence are very real.Yet so is our power, our collective might, to continually show up and consistently rise up! We have the choice to shift the low frequency that is seemingly everywhere and the most accessible step to doing so, is to commit to raising our individual, personal consciousness. The act of assuming responsibility for increasing your awareness and the amount of positive vibration you share with the world is one of the most important actions you can take now! What do I mean when I say raise your vibration?I’m ...

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I’m a big fan of podcasts ! I’ve mentioned one of my favorite podcasts, “On Being” with Krista Tippet, in this newsletter before. Recently she had the author Katherine May who wrote the beautiful book Wintering, as a guest on her show. After listening to Katherine speak and read so beautifully from her book, I immediately ordered it. I’m waiting for the book to arrive and while I wait, the concept of Wintering has not left my consciousness. While Ms. May speaks of the physical aspects related to weather as we winter, her ideas on the concept of Wintering move far beyond the aspect of weather. Going to quiet, taking time off, pulling inward, and reflecting, are all qualities of Wintering that Katherine writes about and while the book speaks of Wintering as an act to choose during difficult times, I suggest that the concept of coming out of the ...

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© 2021 Selina Maitreya  As a teacher for heart centered leaders, coaches, healers and entrepreneurs, I’m gifted with a window into the blocks that my students consistently experience. The one continual challenge most of my students experience when they come to teachings, is one that is hidden to them, yet it’s often the core reason why they have yet to achieve the growth and success they desire in their business and life. The obstacle I refer to is what I call hiding in the spiritual closet. Conscious beings, those who choose to explore the inner realms, those who meditate, pray and commune with their higher knowing, often in their early days, keep their relationship with the divine personal and secret. Do you recognize yourself here? I remember how excited and scared I was when I was starting to receive spiritual material from source. I was a consultant working in the ...

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One of the most challenging tasks spiritual beings have is to walk in the physical world within their spiritual integrity, 24/7. Difficult as this is, it is also the most important daily step that you can take on your path, and the quickest way to experience daily peace and build a truly abundant life. Spiritual integrity is the phrase I use to describe living your spiritual values. When you are living your spiritual values, your actions in your daily world are in alignment with your beliefs. You may believe yourself to be patient, kind and tolerant, but do your actions represent you truly holding those energies? You might be thinking right about now, “No Selina, no-one is always patient, kind and tolerant and neither am I.” This honest statement is often followed with: “We are only human after all!” But you are more than human! You are indeed high frequency ...

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When I ask my students is it more important for you to be “right”, or do you seek peace, almost every student will tell me they desire peace. However when their actions are played back to them, they realize that they are living through the desire of always wanting to be “right”. Take a moment. Think about the times you’ve felt empowered by arguing your position with a friend or family member about politics, vaccinations, about how they should be living their life. How often do you find your emotions rising when you tell your teenagers why it’s important to listen to your guidance? When was the last time you said something foolish and instead of raking yourself over the coals, you simply gave yourself grace? Perhaps your need to be right, shows up for you on the roads. When someone cuts you off suddenly, do you calmly let them ...

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You can witness your sadness without becoming it.You can experience anger without being the anger you feel.You can have any emotion without losing yourself within it. These are factual statements. I live them every day and they are the states that many of my students have attained. Other students are now working diligently to experience the peace that settles in once they have learned how to experience, but not become their emotions or negative thoughts. For many, these statements will seem to be fiction. After all, most of us have been conditioned to believe that we are our emotions and we are our worries. We see ourselves as: “I”’ or “Me”, as a one- dimensional person.As one- dimensional beings, how can we change who we are? But in actuality we are multi-dimensional beings. We have a physical body and a physical brain.Each, a dimension of who we are. We also ...

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Many spiritual students have come to a fork in the road. They’ve read the books, they do yoga. They have gone to a workshop or two, and accessed dozens of free-meditation challenges, E books and viewed tons of free you tube videos on spiritual development. Yet they realize they still have not integrated the material into their lives. They are still impatient. They continue to judge others harshly, and still suffer from anxiety and worry. Many are not even close to manifesting their wishes. Is this you?Is this your fork in the road? Will you take the deep dive to learn how to live your spiritual beliefs 24/7 or will you choose to keep circling around your commitment? Are you ready for a new lifestyle-one where you choose to use all your stress and fear as transformational tools that enable you to create an extraordinary life- one where peace, calm ...

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We all experience our lives based on the level of consciousness we are now holding. What we call our reality, is simply a reflection of where we place our attention. We live in a world of polarity, and so every difficulty has a mirror side of positive good. You get to choose where you put your attention and so as difficulty arrives you can choose to focus on the difficulty thus creating more pain, or choose to place your attention on the other aspects of you, your day and your life, that hold goodness. Where you place your attention has everything to do with the level of peace you experience.To experience more peace, become aware of when you are in stress, when you are irritated or worried. Then choose to transform your state into one of peace. This is not an easy task and most likely you don’t know that ...

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